Computer users of modern world are developing cyber space addiction.
This devolves from the simple logic that everyday act turning out to be a habit and then an addiction. Technological progress in cyber space has made people glued to computers for many good, bad as well as non specific reasons. Alarming internet addiction seems to have spread due to its accessibility from comfort zone, easy and cheap availability of internet connectivity, multitasking facility of computers, privacy factor etc.

CHAT & EMAIL: These interface applications of live communication are blessings if used within limits. Motive behind chat can be harmless like conversing to a friend or relative in long distance, corporate conferencing and even having acquaintance with unknown people in cyber space. But in most cases, chat addicts are those people who are facing a behavioral problem like shyness/introvertism, which prevents them from meeting and interacting with people in real world. Sometimes these people are dangerous, as their anti-social intentions can vary from cyber flirting, dating and sex to being heinous pedophiles and pornographers posing potential threat to kids and teenagers.

ONLINE GAMES: Some people are crazy for high end graphics and advanced multimedia techniques offered by online game providers. Along with children, youngsters are also vulnerable to this addiction which robs them of their natural creativity and physical sporty games and activities along with social interactions. Another threat of online gaming is that many games of interest are action packed and violent enough that it has proven evidence in negatively influencing player’s mindset.

Even though the focus of Facebook, Orkut, Myspace, Friendster and similar websites are to facilitate cyberspace for people to share common interests and activities and intends to nourish making and maintaining friendships, millions around the world consider networking and blogging as new forms of entertainment and communication measures. When regular online participation and interactions, with and without application of discretion and orientations, grows as a habit and gradually changes to addiction, many individuals don’t realize that their life is relying and revolving more around virtual relationships rather than real life ones. Internet addictions also includes continuous browsing, watching videos, online purchasing, gambling etc. on regular basis, believing it as an inevitable evil.

IDENTIFICATION OF INTERNET ADDICTION DISORDER is simple. If the first thing you do in the morning, at home or at workplace, is to switch on your computer to check personal emails or to surf for topics of your interest and if you stay online much longer than you originally intended, if people around you complaints about the time you spend online, if online activities(whatsoever that might be) is affecting your normal life, if you become defensive or secretive to others when they mention about your exposure to internet for long hours, if you neglect your sleep and food for completing your activities on computer, if your mind is always preoccupied about your interactions online and offline and if you frequently log in and log out of a particular webpage, if you prefer to have and maintain online friends and company rather than real life friends and if you can’t just log off when you really want to and feels the urge to remain online for few more minutes, which in reality is never a few minutes away, then you are heading towards SERIOUS TROUBLE of Cyber addiction.

Manifestation and materialization of computer addiction depends on the mindset/motive of the user and hence differ from person to person. Once you realize this addiction, understand that technology is supposed to be your servant and not your master. Organize yourself accordingly so that you don’t lose the life and time you are supposed to enjoy with your family, friends and society, today. Computer and internet are doors to vast information access and excellent means of entertainment, communication and networking. But that virtual medium should NEVER rip you off from the real world. Take Care!!